Happy New You!!!

Happy New You!!!

Wow 2020 – what a ride!! I don’t know about you but 2020 felt like an amazing opportunity to come back to ourselves, uplevel our self-care practises and have a greater awareness of our own energy fields, and what actually belongs to us! In not being...
The Cat That Didn’t Trust Humans!

The Cat That Didn’t Trust Humans!

Last weekend I was asked to pet sit Judy the cat in Mount Pleasant, Christchurch. When I arrived at the house Judy was hiding behind one of the cupboards in the living room, and her human companion Sharon, said that she never comes out when anyone else is in the house...
How I Learnt To Limit Myself As A Child.

How I Learnt To Limit Myself As A Child.

When I first started my education in this life my teacher called my mum into school and said “We have a problem with your daughter! She finishes all her work within a matter of minutes and then talks for the rest of the class, and distracts all of the other students...
How Past Lives Can Affect Your Pets

How Past Lives Can Affect Your Pets

In 2014 I was called to visit a 10 year old house cat called Molly who had been suffering with a bent spine and hadn’t been able to jump properly. The vets said Molly’s injuries equated to a car accident but her owner Gill said this was impossible as Molly...