Pleiadian Lightwork Full Sensory Perception

Pleiadian Lightwork Courses

“Full Sensory Perception (FSP) is a program for accelerating your spiritual growth and fulfillment”

Pleiadian Lightwork Full Sensory Perception


Full Sensory Perception (FSP) is a program for accelerating your spiritual growth and fulfillment. It is open to everyone who seeks to live in alignment with their Higher Self and to be in the consciousness of Oneness.

In FSP classes you learn to open your full sensory perceptions of clairvoyance, clairaudience, intuition, and channeling healing energy. It is a path toward wholeness, Oneness, and becoming consciously responsible for aligning with the Divine and maintaining a connection with God/Goddess/All-That-Is. In FSP you learn self-help tools for releasing ego-identity and clearing what holds you back on your spiritual path. Class sessions include group meditations, spiritual teachings, and supervised healing work conducted in pairs.

FSP is for those seeking deep personal healing and clearing. It can be an experience that redirects your life toward your spiritual fulfillment and living in impeccability. It is also for those interested in learning the healing skills needed in order to be a healing practitioner or teacher

Full Sensory Perception Level 1

Full Sensory Perception (FSP) is a program for accelerating your spiritual growth and fulfillment. It is open to everyone who seeks to live in alignment with their Higher Self and to be in the consciousness of Oneness.

Rebecca Gambles Animal Communicator and Healer

Rebecca Gambles Pleiadian Lightwork Teacher & Practitioner

Rebecca is a student of the Dolphin Star Temple and has completed all 4 levels of Full Sensory Perception to Practitioner and Teacher level, and Pleiadian Lightwork Intensive level 1 to Practitioner level.

Pleiadian Lightwork is used to guide your life toward spiritual fulfilment.

She is currently trained in
- Full Sensory Perception 1, 2, 3, 4 (FSP)
- Pleiadian Lightwork Intensive 1 (PLI)

Rebecca is one of the few highly experienced, Pleiadian Lightwork teachers available in New Zealand and the UK. 


“My experience of doing FSP1 with Rebecca is that she does what she loves, facilitating the FSP1 Lightwork course, and is a caring and articulate facilitator. I felt fully supported and encouraged by Rebecca during this deep healing work, experiencing a big shift in my spiritual growth.

It was liberating to uncover my erroneous beliefs with the practical tools Rebecca shared, to transform those karmic patterns I needed to go through, and which I continue to use.

I feel this work is important for those on the path of self mastery, raising our vibrations and aligning with our Real Self.

We are fortunate to have Rebecca here in NZ to give out these teachings at this time.”

- Beverley Flavin

Magnified Healing Workshop Facilitator, Auckland

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