🐈 Have you ever considered that your animal might be displaying unusual behaviour as a way to attract your attention to something that is not serving you? 🐈

Last week I was requested to do an animal communication session with Zeus the cat, who’s behaviour was upsetting his owner. Zeus was spraying inside the house, but only inside the heater in the bedroom, which meant that when his human companion Natasha turned on the heater, the smell of cat urine would fill the bedroom.

She would then need to put the heater outside the house for at least 24 hours, clean it, and let it burn before the smell had completely gone, and then she would bring it back inside, only for Zeus to repeat his behaviour again! This continued for 2 months until Natasha finally decided to contact me to get to the bottom of his behaviour.

As soon as I connected with Zeus, he was very happy to communicate with me, and showed no remorse for his behaviour. In fact he was actually quite proud of himself. When I asked him why he was spraying inside the heater, he told me that the heater was not functioning properly and was actually not good for his owners health, so he was spraying inside it as it was the only way to get her to remove it from the house!

As soon as I communicated this to Natasha, she admitted that she did feel drowsy and groggy after the heater had been on, and made the decision to dispose of the heater.

She then asked me if I could ask Zeus why he had been so vocal for the last 6 months!! I asked Zeus why he was miaowing so much and he said he had been trying to make Natasha aware of a female spirit that had taken up residence in their house that he knew shouldn’t be there. I tuned into the property and there was indeed the spirit of a young girl, who had taken a liking to Natasha’s nurturing energy and had been living there with her for the last 6 months. I got a visualisation that this spirit had been draining Natasha’s energy and when I communicated this to her, she admitted that her energy levels had been very low for the last 6 months.

I called in the energy of Mother Mary to escort this young girl into the light and cleansed the energy of the property, and cleared all energy ties that were arising between this spirit and the people and animals in the house.

So as you can see, as much as Zeus’s behaviour may have been considered inconvenient, or annoying to his owner, he was in fact trying to communicate with her, to let her know why she had been feeling so lethargic. Our animals sense so much more than we do, and are ALWAYS assisting us for our highest good, no matter how it appears to you.