How Entity Attachments Can Affect Your Pet

How Entity Attachments Can Affect Your Pet

Entities are beings without bodies. When an animal or a family member pass away, and leave their body, sometimes they attach themselves to the body of your pet in a way to remain connected to you. The energy of this being, then influences the cells of that particular...
How Animals Are Affected By Ghosts

How Animals Are Affected By Ghosts

In November 2023 I was called out to visit Harry the cat in Christchurch, NZ. Harry’s human companion contacted me, because Harry was repeatedly urinating on their beds and the family were worried that there may be something physically wrong with him. When I...
Are You In Alignment With Your Desires?

Are You In Alignment With Your Desires?

“In order to attract that which you wish to manifest into your life, your vibration needs to be in alignment with what you are calling in! Do you feel ‘comfortable’ with an increased level of abundance? Do you TRULY desire a partner to share your life with? Or is it...
My First Conversation With An Emu!

My First Conversation With An Emu!

In 2021 I lived in the Alkimia Yoga Community in the Coromandel and I had the pleasure of communicating with Mia, their resident Emu! The owner of Alkimia, Catia, asked me to find out if Mia was happy in her home here or whether she would prefer to be moved to another...