“In order to attract that which you wish to manifest into your life, your vibration needs to be in alignment with what you are calling in!

Do you feel ‘comfortable’ with an increased level of abundance? Do you TRULY desire a partner to share your life with? Or is it more comfortable to live how you have always lived? To be with what you already know? Do you like the ‘struggle?’

Your soul loves challenge, yes, but that doesn’t need to look like how it has so far. It is time to embrace change, to put down the ‘baton’ so to speak, and step into a more aligned version of you. The one that knows how to receive, the one who knows how to be happy and joyful, and the one that knows itself as Love.

Are you ready to be the love that you are? I know you are scared that you won’t be ‘received’, but first and foremost you need to be able to receive yourself. This means listening to the calling of your soul, to what makes you come alive, and do that. Follow your dreams without fear, nothing that is for you will EVER be taken away from you.

It is okay to receive, it is your divine birthright.
Open your heart,
Shine your light.

The lighthouse that you are is required now so that you may lead others through the darkness. Do not fear your light, because it is the way and it is the truth. Shine unapologetically. Find the others, encourage them to shine also, IT IS TIME!

In Love,
For Love,
You are Love Embodied!” ❤️