🐬 A message from the dolphins about releasing attachment and expectations! 🐬

In 2018 I was in Byron Bay and I knew that dolphins frequently visited the beach there. So I walked down to the waterfront, entered the water and called the dolphins to come and swim with me.  I was certain that they would show up, so I lay there floating in the water for a while, and then when they did not appear, I tuned into their consciousness and asked them where they were.

“We are close”, they told me, so I waited, in eager anticipation of swimming with them very shortly. Yet still they did not show up.  I tuned into them once again and asked them why they had not shown up, and they said “It is your expectation of swimming with us, that keeps that very experience from you, release your attachment and expectation!”

So once again I surrendered to the ocean and floated on the waves, and declared to the universe “I surrender all attachment to swimming with the dolphins” and then looked around expectantly on the horizon for them to appear! 😂 I still hadn’t released my attachment to having that experience!!

Eventually, with no sign of the dolphins, I gave up! I surrendered my expectations, and got out of the water, dried myself off and got dressed. I walked around the corner from where I had been swimming, and what did I see … a large pod of dolphins playing in the waves, a small distance away from where I had been swimming!

The lesson from the dolphins in that moment had been that my expectations about having a particular experience, had kept that very experience from me!! In being attached to a particular outcome, often we can be preventing an even higher experience from entering our reality!

So recently, I have been practising surrendering my expectations, and releasing my attachment to outcome, and in doing so I have felt so much more peace and joy in my everyday life, and felt so much more presence in the now moment!

What expectations are you still holding about a particular experience, and where are you attached to an outcome? I invite you to surrender this to the Universe and watch as experiences you may not have even anticipated were possible begin to flow into your life. ☺️ 🐬 💖