I have been called to heal peoples pets who were reacting in an unusual or difficult way, only to find that the animal is only acting in this way to bring the owners attention to a past life that they had together that is now ready to be cleared. When I describe to the owner what their animal is communicating to me, the owner has then admitted to me that they have been holding onto a particular fear themselves connected with the situation being shown to me. I can then release the energy of the past life for the owner and the animal at the same time, so that they can both let go of old fears, emotions and beliefs that no longer serve them in this life.
Several years ago I was called to see Rosie the dog, who, ever since her owner Sue had rehomed her 5 months ago, had been limping on her front legs and was continuously licking her front paws.  Interestingly Rosie hadn’t displayed either of these behaviours while she was waiting to be rehomed at the kennels!
As soon as I arrived at the home, Rosie greeted me and when I asked her what was wrong with her paws she simply replied ‘They got burnt!’. I asked Sue if Rosie had any burn marks on her paws when she rehomed her and Sue said that she had not, but that she did bark a lot once when someone was smoking outside the house.
As I began the Angelic Reiki treatment on Rosie she immediately showed me a past life where she was a dog on a cattle ranch. Her owner Sue was also there working horses and Sue’s son in this life was also her son in that life.  I asked Rosie to show me what I needed to know about this past life and she showed me the home going up in flames (caused by a discarded cigarette!).  Sue’s son was trapped inside the house and with no one else around Rosie attempted to crawl into the house to drag the 4 year old boy out.  Unfortunately she didn’t manage to rescue him and the little boy died, and Rosie suffered severe burns to the front half of her body.  In that life, Rosie was overcome with grief and guilt at not being able to rescue her beloved companion, and spent the rest of her life with her front legs bandaged up, unable to walk properly and would just pass her days by licking her paws !  Sue threw herself into her work with horses to deal with the guilt of losing her son.
When I shared this story with Sue she said that in this life Rosie and her son are inseparable, and Sue still has a strong passion for horses and works with them today, having just taken on a horse from a cattle ranch!  She also admitted that she had a habit of focusing too much on her work and leaving little time for her family.  She also told me that when her son was 4 years old in this life, he expressed a lot of fear about the house going up in flames, something his soul obviously remembered from this other life!
I cleared the past life energy from Sue, her son and Rosie, and since the treatment Sue has reported that Rosie is now much more relaxed and no longer limps on her front legs!  The picture above is Rosie immediately following her Angelic Reiki session! 🙂
Here is what Sue had to say about the session…….
Thank you ever so much Rebecca, after 5 months of trying to find solutions and treatment for Rosie’s sore front feet, one session with you yesterday and she hasn’t limped once, even after a long walk around Ogden Reservoir today. She seems so much relaxed. The past life experience was so amazing and insightful, can’t thank you enough.