In 2014 I was called to visit a 10 year old house cat called Molly who had been suffering with a bent spine and hadn’t been able to jump properly. The vets said Molly’s injuries equated to a car accident but her owner Gill said this was impossible as Molly had never left the house.

I decided to give Molly an Angelic Reiki session and as soon as I connected with her energetically, I picked up on a past life memory in which I saw Molly flying through the air and landing on her back after being hit by a car. The fall broke her back and she died at age ten years old.

In her present life, when Molly had reached the age of ten years, the cellular memory of this past life experience had triggered similar injuries within her current body. During the healing I released the cellular memory of this past life and flowed Angelic Reiki to her, and when I had finished she turned around thanked me and then jumped off my knee effortlessly. The next morning her owner Gill messaged me to say that Molly was now walking with a straighter spine and had even started jumping up onto the kitchen surfaces again!

Here is what Gill had to say about the healing……
My 10 year old Maine Coon Molly suddenly stopped jumping and after a visit to the vets we discovered that she had a spinal defect at the base of her spine which was causing severe muscle spasms and causing her a lot of discomfort and pain. She has regular acupuncture but was still not jumping her normal high jumps. Rebecca did some reiki on Molly and the morning after, not only was Molly walking with a straighter back she jumped onto the kitchen work top – the highest height jump in the house. Rebecca has a wonderful way with animals and I would thoroughly recommend her for animal healing. Thank you Rebecca, you have helped us get our Molly back to her normal cheeky self. Xx