Animals are extremely sensitive when it comes to sensing unseen activity within our home and workplace. If you find that your pet starts displaying unusual behaviour or is unable to relax within your home then they may be sensing the presence of a spirit.

A few years ago I was approached by a lady called Helen, who was concerned about the behaviour of her cat Todd. Todd was normally a loving family pet, but recently he had been displaying anxiety, had stopped eating and was refusing to come into the house, instead choosing to sit outside the door.

I decided to tune into the house energetically to see what was going on, and I immediately sensed the presence of an older male spirit who told me he was looking for a trinket box, belonging to his late wife. The man told me he didn’t mind the family dog being in the house, but he hated cats and had been shooing Todd outside!  I decided to call in the spirit of his wife from the light, who appeared holding the trinket box and as soon as the man saw his wife, he was very happy to go home with her to the light.  The next day Helen messaged me to say  “Thank you for yesterday. Todd is a lot more happier and chilled since you did the clearing. He is eating better and seems a lot more settled, and is now coming back in the house for fusses and is back to his old self!

More recently I visited a friend at a house where he had been pet sitting for the last week. This was a regular pet sitting job for him, so he knew the cat well, but he said that recently the cat had been acting strangely and had only been coming in the house to eat and then would leave again. The owners had also mentioned that the cat hasn’t been his usual playful self.

My friend said that he had also been having disturbed sleep since moving into the house, and had been waking everyday at 4.30am feeling like he couldn’t breathe! As soon as I walked into the house I felt a heavy energy in the building and I saw a man stood at the end of the hallway. He was pacing the hallway and the stairs and seemed to be restless and unhappy. The house was particulary cold in the area where he was stood.

I followed the spirit up to the Master bedroom, and as I walked into the room the energy felt cold, and I felt drawn to go over and stand by the window, looking out to Tahunanui beach. I could feel that this man had many fond memories of this house, and would stand and look out of the window reminiscing about romantic walks on the beach with his wife who has passed over. I felt a pain in my heart and I saw the moment that he died of a heart attack in his bed, the time on the clock read 4.30am at his time of death! He told me he died of a broken heart as he was lonely after his wife died. He seemed trapped in his suffering and had not passed over to the light, but instead stayed in this house where he had such fond memories!

I called upon Archangel Michael and also asked for his wife to come in from the light to collect him. Initially the spirit seemed reluctant to leave the place where he had experienced so much happiness, but then when he saw his wife, there was so much joy as they reunited and I saw them walk off into the sunset together. The energy of the house shifted and I asked the Angels to fill the house with light. I tuned into the cat and told him that the house was clear and it was safe for him to return home. I opened my eyes and the cat walked in through the door about 10 seconds later. He immediately started playing and seemed much more relaxed. I have since spoke to my friend and he said the cat has been happy to come back into the house and he has been sleeping more soundly. 


If you have a pet who is displaying unusual behaviour and you think it may be due to an unseen presence in your home then I am available for distant house clearings and spirit release. I am also available for distant animal healings and communication, and Past Life Healings for Animals. Please message me for further details.