Is your pet trying to communicate a past life you have had together?

I have been working as a Past Life Regression Practitioner for the past few years and through this therapy I have helped people to let go of long term physical illness, severe phobias and helped them to improve their relationships with family members and friends by releasing any negative karmic connections between them from past lives. However, in the last year I have begun to realise the important of also providing this service for the animals in our lives!

Our pets reincarnate with us over and over again, sometimes as animals, sometimes as other people in our lives, (yes contrary to popular belief, animals do not always reincarnate as animals) and when they join us again in this lifetime, often they will try to help us remember what happened in our previous lives together by acting in a certain way. For example, they may display behavioural problems, such as separation anxiety, aggression or a severe phobia, or they may suffer from a physical problem which doesn’t respond to veterinary treatment. Our pets do this for us in the hope that our souls may remember this past life experience together, gain the wisdom from the past, so that we don’t make the same mistakes in this life.

Initially when I started offering Animal Reiki Healings it only seemed necessary for the animal alone to receive the healing, and the owners reported profound results in their pets after just one session.

However, I discovered that this was not always the case after visiting a dog called Mia who was displaying extreme anxiety and aggression. On her walks Mia would attack anyone or anything that came near her owner, and in the house she would never relax, constantly pacing and barking at anyone who walked past the house. If anyone came to the door she barked incessantly and had to be shut in another room to prevent her from attacking the visitor.

Mia’s owner was initially sceptical about trying an Angelic Reiki healing for her dog but finally decided to try it as all other attempts to help Mia had failed. When I began Mia’s healing she continued to pace the room anxiously and she kept sitting down in front of her owner, and then getting up and walking around the room again. This is unusual behaviour as animals usually sense the healing energy flowing straight away and lie down, relax and often fall asleep. Mia continued to pace throughout the entire healing although she did communicate to me that she had a past life experience with her female owner that needed to be cleared.

Mia showed me a grand old house with a cobbled courtyard, there was a little girl playing outside and there was a lady stood in the kitchen washing dishes and watching her. Initially I presumed that in that life Mia was the little girl, but she told me No, she was actually the woman in the kitchen and the little girl was her daughter, now her owner! I asked Mia to show me what happened next in that life. She told me that she looked away from the little girl for a moment and when she looked back the little girl was gone. She ran outside and her daughter was nowhere to be seen, she ran down the street calling for people to help her but no one paid her any attention….she was frantic. She went back to the house and her daughter still wasn’t there, the local doctor had been visiting the house that day and when she saw him she intuitively knew that he had taken her daughter. She told the other people of the house, but nobody would believe her, a respected man such as the doctor would not take her daughter. That was the last day that she ever saw her daughter and she spent the rest of that life wrapped up in her own grief for her lost little girl.

In this life, Mia was determined that this would not happen again, so anyone who came near her owner was attacked and anyone who came to the door was barked at and warned to get away. I shared this past life with her owner and then I cleared it for Mia in the hope that in this life her behaviour could now change. However, when I had finished the healing, Mia was still pacing nervously and showed no signs of any improvements, so I told the owner to get in touch with me if there was no sign of improvements in the next few days, as this was the first time that I had experienced an animal not responding to a healing!

When I tuned in for guidance and asked why this session had not been successful I was told it was because the female owner had not received the healing and let go of the pain from that life, and until she could let it go, the dog would continue to display the same behaviour. I contacted the owner and she told me there was no change in Mia’s behaviour, so I suggested an Angelic Reiki treatment and past life clearing for herself.  As I started the Reiki healing on her owner, Mia came and sat beside me, no longer pacing the room, and as I cleared the past life from her owner’s energy field, Mia collapsed on the floor and fell into a deep sleep and started snoring. Her owner couldn’t believe the sudden change in Mia’s behaviour and when we finished the healing, she continued to remain laid down and played with her toy while we discussed the healing. Her owner has since reported that Mia no longer attacks people on walks and is now a much calmer dog.

So, as you can see, our animals often behave in strange ways to try and bring our awareness to experiences we have had together before. We have been together many times before and often they have come back to be with us today to help us release the past and move forward in our present life.  If you are having problems with your pet, whether it is a physical or behavioural problem and you would like to try a joint healing for you and your animal, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.